Aug 2, 2023Liked by @paulttran

Amazing man! You seem like you do a ton but learn to balance it all! I hope to get on that level one day!

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Thanks for making time to read and comment; hope it was worth it for you!

And you donโ€™t wanna be on my level. You wanna be on your level =)

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It takes a lot to be able to talk about your past out in the open for everyone to see. Great job writing these two parts! Still would love to hear about the 10 years you skipped after meeting your wife. There's a lot of stories to be told there I'm sure

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Thanks, my friend. I appreciate it!

Too much shit happened since then lol. I'll try and think of how to organize it.

Or, just have another podcast session with you lol!

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Haha I'm down to talk about it on another podcast session.

Send me an email if you're down!

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by @paulttran

Thanks for sharing Paul. That is a hard journey youโ€™ve been on and Iโ€™m glad it ultimately put you on the path you were always meant to be on.

A year ago my relationship of 6 years ended. This January my job of 8+ years ended. All this has put me down a path I had never envisioned for myself. But the forced change brings about huge freedom and opportunity that Iโ€™m enjoying exploring. Thanks for being an inspiration.

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Thanks for reading, and for your words. I appreciate them so much.

Damn; I'm sorry about the closed doors on your relationship and job. But I'm so glad that you zoomed out and see a way forward. Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And your store is still unfolding!

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